My Mantras 2

This is the second of my mantras! It’s about Managing Up and it goes like this…

Managers say Yes and managers say No but they don’t have the answers.

Over the years I have learned that it’s best to come to your manager, not with a problem but with a solution and ask for permission to implement it. And s/he will say Yes or No.

You see, managers are often not experienced in front line problems so they can’t necessarily tell you what to do. The best way to achieve what you want is to come with a possible solution to your problem and ask for permission to implement it. Because managers like solutions. And generally you know what you want to do , you just need permission to do it.

So next time you’re faced with a problem, decide on what you would like to do about it and take that to your manager. And s/he will say Yes or s/he will say No.

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