You are your most important asset

You are your most important asset!

In fact, you are probably your ONLY asset.

It’s the phrase I use in the header of my website, and I’m always surprised how little people prioritise themselves. 

We prioritise work, we prioritise study, we prioritise all the myriad commitments that we have.

But we almost never prioritise ourselves.  We rarely take the time to think What is it that I want to do?  What makes me happy? What is important to me?

And yet, If you get sick or stressed out, then who is it that suffers? Only you!

Years ago, I worked in an all-consuming role that required me to be “on” 24/7.  And ultimately, things changed and I was made redundant along with a bunch of others.  Who suffered? Just me!  I vowed then that I would always remember that I needed to look after myself.

And so often, in my mentoring practice, I talk to people who are giving everything of themselves to their work and really suffering as a consequence.  It’s great to be committed to your job but please remember that you need to look after yourself as well.

There was this book from years ago (1991 to be precise! I just Googled it!).  It was a collection of sometimes wise, sometimes funny sayings.

My favourite one was this:

“No one, on their death bed, ever says I wish I’d spent more time at the office.”

Funny right? But also, true!

Are you going through this sort of thing? Want to talk? Message me - I can help!


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