Recognising Stress

The way you manage stress impacts on others and can generate either a positive or negative culture within the working environment.

You need to listen to your body. It is intelligent – it gives you messages. Make sure you listen to them and take action before you become ill. Recognising physical and behavioural symptoms of stress in yourself and others enables you to prevent problems building up. As soon as you notice yourself or a colleague becoming stressed, stop and explore the causes, then problem-solve what can be done to resolve the situation.

Top tips for recognising stress:

Become aware of situations in which you feel stressed and plan how to manage your emotions.

Apply the three As model - Alter, Avoid, Accept - to decide what you can alter or avoid and what you need to accept.

Listen to your body. If you find yourself getting physical symptoms, then it is likely that you are stressed. Take time out to rest and refresh your mind and immune system. Even five minutes can make a difference.

Observe yourself and identify the trigger behaviours that will notify you that you are stressed.

What is stressful for one person can be an opportunity for another. Realise that you have a choice in how you respond to difficult situations. You do not always have to follow the same route to a solution.

Identify as many optional responses as you can to give yourself a feeling of control.

Take action to prevent stressful situations through better planning and problem solving.

Want to know more? I run a webinar on this topic. Contact me to find out more!


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